The Miracle of Life

Spirituality is about our connection to the profundity of existence. The essence of every single spiritual path can be boiled down to becoming more and more connected to the miracle of life in every moment. Life is miraculous. Our ability to be connected to this miracle is strengthened by how often we take the time to consciously rest in the wonder and awe of life. 

Sitting in Stillness

The best practice to be in the miracle of life is to just sit in stillness. Being in stillness is the ultimate spiritual practice. As you sit in stillness you will experience all types of sensations. You will experience thoughts, sounds, images in your mind, perceptions and feelings in your body. 

All of these sensations will come and go in your awareness as you sit there in silence. You just continue to sit there in stillness as these sensations arise softly and then fall softly. There is a deep peace that starts to overtake you as you engage in the practice of sitting in stillness. Thoughts come and go but you remain right here. You do not appear when a thought appears and you do not disappear when a thought disappears. Feelings come and go. You do not appear when a feeling appears and you do not disappear As you sit in stillness you will start to become interested in the one who is always here and who is aware of all these phenomena arising and falling in your experience. Being interested in that is being with the miracle of life.

The more you start to just be with that still presence the more you are connecting to the miracle that is always here. 

Your Own Self

There is nothing more profound than your own self. It's just a matter of taking the time to be with it. This practice can also take place by just being out in nature or doing an activity you love that puts you in a flow state. Being in the stillness of being is not limited to only sitting or laying down.  

Your existence is a miracle. Be with it. Rest in it. Listen to it. That stillness speaks. 


The spiritual journey is a journey to the oneness of all of life. We journey into the miracle of life which just takes us right to the miracle of our own self. We realize that these are actually not two and that what we are is life. 

Feel into how incredible and miraculous existence is. Let your heart be full with gratitude and love for all of it. At a certain point your heart will become so full that you can’t help but see that everything you ever wished for is what you already are.

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