Doorway to Presence

Our bodies are a beautiful gift we are given in this human experience. Everywhere we go they come with us. They are our physical homes in this lifetime and living a good life requires us to be connected to them. They are how we receive, give and experience the fullness of life. The body also serves as a doorway to presence. It is a portal to the peace and contentment that is inherent in our being. The more we live in our bodies the more present we are, leading to a life of more peace, happiness and authenticity. 


So many of us desire to live less in our heads. We recognize the unnecessary suffering our minds cause us and there is the deep yearning within us to live from a place where the mind is not in control all the time. The body is the gateway to that place. 

Feeling the Body

Take a deep breath and feel the sensation of your body. What does your body feel like right now?  Hold your awareness on the sensation that is present in your awareness that you have labeled your “body.” If thoughts arise just bring your awareness back to the sensation. Sink your awareness deeper and deeper into your body until it feels like your body is the only thing present in your awareness. You will notice that your mind starts to quiet down as you focus on the sensation of your body that only exists right here and right now.

Awareness of the body keeps thinking at bay. 

Always Here

Thoughts are constantly either dwelling on the past or worrying about the future which creates our suffering. Happiness comes from being fully rooted in the present moment. The raw sensation of your body only exists right here in the present moment. If you want to live in the present, focus on that sensation that is always right here. As you start to build a practice of doing this you will feel yourself become more grounded and rooted in presence. As you make the body your home rather than your mind, thoughts won’t have the same pull on you that they used to. 


Next time you notice yourself lost in your head just take a deep breath and come back into your body. You will probably notice that your breath became shallow as you were lost in thoughts. As you start to breathe deep and settle into your body you will notice your mind relax and your thoughts subside. Your breath is the sign that tells you where your focus is. The more we focus on the thoughts in our mind the shallower the breath gets and the more we live focused on our bodies the deeper the breath gets. 

Beyond the Body

There's a beautiful paradox that starts to unfold when we live more grounded in the body. We start to realize our identity beyond the body by being fully in the body. Body awareness takes you beyond the physical body to your true nature as presence. If you want to know who you truly are, live in your body as deeply as possible. It’s the gateway to a more authentic and connected existence.

The pathway to what we desire is always right here in the form of the body. This is the ultimate gift these physical homes give us. This physical home is our doorway to our true home we never left; presence. The body only knows what it is like to be right here and right now. Listen to it. Learn from it. It has so much to teach us and so much to give us. 

If you’d like support with living in the body check out our course Head to Heart or contact us


Personality Expansion


Cleared-out and Inspired