Cleared-out and Inspired

I woke up this morning craving a good clear-out. The kind of clearing that happens when we are super present with what is and allow whatever has been causing our minds to spin or our hearts to ache to come forward, show itself, and be greeted with love.

The busier life is, the more intentionally we need to create space to clear out. For some, the pace of “pandemic life” was slower, with enough space for even boredom to enter. When life is moving at that kind of a pace, and we have practices to accept the present moment as it arises, there tends to be less back-log to clear out.

However, when life has more going on and “busy” is a frequently used adjective, the pace of life itself can become both a coping mechanism for back-logged emotions and also a hindrance to keeping up the practices that help us stay present.

Life’s pace feels like it runs on a continuum. We all go through chapters or seasons or decades where busy seems to be the prevailing theme. 

How do we make sure that even when life is busy that we also make time for the work of clearing out?

For me it feels like a dance of listening to the deepest parts of myself and what they are craving and planning for peace. What an interesting combination of words “planning for peace.” Upon writing that, it immediately struck me that typically those two concepts seem to be at odds. Isn’t peace a state of being and planning the ultimate act of doing?

Maybe this is where our inner feminine and masculine energy meet and dance together to create harmony within. Maybe this is when we stop listening to fear, scarcity, and anxiety and instead actively work to create space for peace.

Once I engaged in the activities of journaling, pulling cards (I used this Osho deck that I love for shadow work) and becoming present with emotions, thoughts and beliefs that had been causing me to spin, I felt this deep sense of and clarity wash over me. This practice took an hour but brought an abundant opening and spaciousness to my being.

I felt home again, I felt grounded and alive.

As I proceeded with the rest of my morning routine, especially walking our pup Nalu, I realized how inspired I naturally felt. I wasn’t reaching for inspiration or thinking about inspiration, I was simply inspired. In that state of openness and clarity, the natural inspiration that is available to all of us continually, simply flowed in.

We so often think we have to go find the thing - the job, the clients, the relationship, friendships, or house - whatever it is that we desire in order to continue on our life journey. The sneaky secret is, of course, we already are the thing. We are the ones being patiently waited for when life doesn’t seem to be giving us what we want.

The universe is waiting for us to come home, be present, clear out and open up.

What a plot twist! Except it’s exactly as we knew it to be the whole time. The entire universe is within, we just need to make the space to remember who we truly are and that everything we desire to be, make, create, and experience is within.

If you’d like support on your journey of clearing out and opening up, contact us.


Doorway to Presence


The Stillness That is Always Here