Wonder & Awe

There are so many beautiful aspects of this reality that have the power to inspire a deep sense of wonder and awe in us. 

Think about what inspires a feeling of wonder and awe in you. 

Is it the vastness of space? Is it the natural world? Is it a certain animal? Is it your own mind or consciousness? Notice that wonder and awe isn’t some property that exists inherently in any of those things. Two people can see the same thing and it can inspire a deep sense of fascination and reverence in one person but the other person can be completely unaffected by it. 

Wonder and awe comes from within. 

It comes from our relationship with reality and the way in which we see the world around us. We have the power to cultivate the ability to see profundity in anything. Some people can look at something like their hands or an insect and be moved to tears by its brilliance. 

As we live more from our hearts and become more connected with ourselves, we deepen the ability to see the wonder & awe in what we are experiencing. We strengthen the ability to be moved by what others might view as mundane. Seeing the magic in the seemingly mundane brings a surrealness to life that is difficult to articulate but we know it when we experience it. 

Children see the magic all around us. We each have an inner child within us that sees the world with fresh and alive eyes. That childlike curiosity and exuberance has been diminished by years of conditioning for most but everyone has it deep down. The wounding of that inner child makes it so it is hesitant to come out and fully show itself which is why it is so imperative we meet it with love and acceptance and help it heal from whatever trauma it may have experienced. 

Living in the wonder & awe of this experience is being able to own and embrace that inner child within. When we are able to see the world through the eyes of our inner child we increase our gratitude, our joy and our connection to reality itself. 

Next time you have an experience that provokes a feeling of wonder & awe within you, really take that feeling in and sit with it. 

Notice how it feels. 

Notice what it does to you. 

See what the experience can teach you about living from that place more often. 

This is a beautiful experience we are having. 

It's always good to look around and be reminded of that. 

If you would like help bringing more wonder & awe into your life. contact us.


Applying Your Power

