A Faith in Possibilities
Anyone who has created something significant or overcome a challenge in their lives didn’t know exactly what the future was going to hold. None of us do. It’s impossible to know for absolute certain what the future holds. But everyone who has overcome something or created something that made an impact in the world had an intangible faith that drove their innovation and creativity .
A faith in possibilities.
Our world is constantly providing us with new challenges. As the world increases in complexity and intricacy the challenges we are faced with as humans become more complex. These challenges can feel daunting and like they are in the way of the possibility of a better future. But history and developmental psychology shows us that humans grew because of the challenges rather than in spite of them.
At this time in history we are faced with some unprecedented challenges.
We are experiencing concerning levels of wealth inequality, extreme ideological polarization exacerbated by social media and the internet, climate change, and depleting eco-systems. It can feel easy to lose faith in a better future when we see all that we are faced with.
We see the suffering.
We see the sorrow.
We see the deeply entrenched systems and structures that are worsening these issues.
We feel the pain of all of it.
And that pain is important to feel. But it is imperative that we not let it diminish our faith in possibilities. When we lose faith that there are possibilities and solutions we lose our energy. When our belief that things can get better diminishes so does our will to take action. Why would we take action and work to try and build a better world if our possibilities are limited?
Throughout history humans overcame the challenges of the time because certain individuals had deep faith that possibilities and solutions existed. The creators, innovators, scientists, leaders who helped bring humanity to a new level of development all held the conviction that there was a way. When they didn’t know exactly what that way forward looked like this just made it even more important that they held the belief.
That’s what faith is. It's a deep belief in something that can’t be fully seen at the moment.
A faith in the beautiful possibilities of the future has an energizing quality to it. This intangible belief orients us to explore, learn, build, collaborate and grow in the ways that are required for a more positive future to come into actualization. It is a trust in the creative capacities of the universe. A trust that the universe has the potential to surprise us in the best way possible if we work with it and bring all of ourselves to everything we do.
Transforming the world comes from first transforming ourselves. We have to hold this belief in our own lives just as much as we hold it for the world at large.
How are you letting your faith in possibilities fuel you in life?
Are you getting out of bed every morning with a fire and energy deep within your soul, knowing that there are so many possibilities available to you on that day? When you bring this energy to your own life you bring the energy that is needed to make an impact. At this time in history it is more important than ever that we have people out there who are holding this faith deep within their being. A better world is possible, and we all have our own role to play in making it a reality.
For support with your purpose or role in the world, contact us.