
Purpose often comes in stillness and quiet. The moments when someone is most present, most at peace or most moved by an experience is when purpose has the opportunity to become clear. 

It is natural to feel pressure or anxiety when the topic of life purpose comes up if you don’t feel clear about what yours is. We are here to reassure you that it's perfectly okay if you don’t know what your life purpose is. In fact, not knowing what your purpose may be the first step to discovering it. 

In order for our purpose to reveal itself, it helps to make peace with the fact that we don’t know what it is, which of course is a bit counterintuitive. Once we accept the not-knowing and make peace with the mystery, life then has the opportunity to surprise and delight us by giving us language for our purpose.

Finding Your Purpose

There is a lot of talk around going out and “finding” your purpose. The idea is that through hard work we can go find that elusive purpose that we have been desiring. This idea can be so demoralizing and frustrating because people can spend years feeling lost and like they are failing. This concept is built around a model of doing rather than being. The thinking and language is centered around what we should “do” to find our purpose rather than allowing our purpose to find us. 

Purpose wants to come when someone is full of acceptance and says “yes” to life. Of course, not knowing is one of the hardest things to accept in this human experience, especially when it comes to something as significant as life purpose. 

Learning Our Purpose: Trace’s Story

My purpose in life came to me all of the sudden in the Spring of 2019. It was a beautiful day in Los Angeles and I was feeling exceptionally peaceful and centered. There wasn’t much on my mind, I was just present to the beauty of the day. All of the sudden I felt a knowing deep within his body that I was meant to help raise consciousness. I felt this knowing so deep within my body and my heart that there was no room for my mind to even question it. It was one of those truths that felt like it came from somewhere intangible and unnamable. 

I didn’t even know exactly what it meant that my purpose was to help raise consciousness, I just knew that it was my truth. When our purpose reveals itself to us, oftentimes we don’t know exactly what form it is going to take out in the world. Our minds might not be able to fully make sense of what comes to us but when we can feel the resonance of our purpose in our bodies and hearts then we know our truth of who we’re meant to be. 

Trust that if you have felt your purpose but don’t know exactly how it is going to unfold that the way will be shown to you. The universe wants to work with you to help you live your purpose and the universe will show you the way if you listen to it and follow your heart. 

Tina’s Story

In order to learn of my purpose, I traveled to a church in Switzerland. And, of course I had no idea that’s why I was going. I just knew deep within that this was a journey that I was meant to take. After meditating in the church, I walked around in awe. I thought of the thousands of humans who have been curious for centuries about spirit, the meaning of life, and why we are here. All of the sudden I felt the presence of two huge beings, Mother Mary on my right and Jesus on my left. I heard “you are here to be a beacon of unconditional love.”

This message brought a bit of terror to my human self. How was I supposed to embody such a big mission? Fortunately, the answer is a both/and. I already am a beacon of love, as we all are, and will always feel like a messy human trying to figure out my way around this complex world. This is the best part of learning purpose - releasing the expectation that we become something and resting in the deep knowing that we already are. There is no doing inherent to purpose, only being and in that being there is so much possibility. We can bring this idea of purpose into any career, relationship, or creative project. 

Inviting Your Purpose

It is up to you to invite your own purpose in. Your purpose is beautiful and powerful. It's meant to have an impact on the world in some way. How can you become the person that your purpose wants to come to? How can you be open, receptive, and unexpecting all at once?

Accepting and making peace with your life is the most important part. Everything in your life has made you into the person you are today. Accepting this truth and making peace with the person you are today is what will allow you to accept your purpose when it comes to you. 

The best part about your purpose is it’s hiding in plain sight. It may be so large that you can’t see it or so obvious that you look right past it. We love the idea of a thread that ties all of our seemingly disparate life experiences together. We would love to encourage you to not search, to allow - and also, we wouldn’t be the least bit surprised that if you spend a few minutes breathing and asking, language may come to you now that helps you articulate why you are truly here.

If you would like to explore this idea further, here’s a link to our online session on Purpose.



